Telugu Calendar August 2024 Telangana

Telugu Calendar August 2024 Telangana

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As a Telugu-speaking person living in Telangana, I have always been fascinated by our traditional calendar. It not only helps us keep track of important dates and festivals, but also gives us a glimpse into our rich cultural heritage. In this article, I will be sharing my personal experience with the Telugu Calendar for August 2024 in Telangana.

Overview of Telugu Calendar

The Telugu Calendar is a traditional lunar calendar widely used in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. It follows the cycles of the moon and includes both solar and lunar events. The calendar is divided into 12 months, and each month is named after a constellation of stars. August 2024 falls under the month of Shravana, which is considered auspicious for many reasons.

Important Dates in August 2024 Telugu Calendar

August 2024 is a month filled with many important festivals and events. Here are some of the notable dates:

  • Aug 4: Nag Panchami
  • Aug 6: Varalakshmi Vratam
  • Aug 8: Rigveda Upakarma
  • Aug 11: Gayatri Japam
  • Aug 15: Independence Day
  • Aug 19: Raksha Bandhan
  • Aug 22: Sri Krishna Janmashtami
  • Aug 23: Gokulashtami
  • Aug 24: Avani Avittam
  • Aug 29: Ganesh Chaturthi

Significance of Festivals in August 2024 Telugu Calendar

Each festival in the Telugu Calendar has its own unique significance and rituals. Here are some of the festivals celebrated in August 2024:

Varalakshmi Vratam

Varalakshmi Vratam is observed by married women in Telugu-speaking households to seek the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi. The puja is performed on the Friday before the full moon day of Shravana, and involves offering flowers, fruits, and other items to the goddess. It is believed that performing this puja will bring wealth, prosperity, and happiness to the family.

Sri Krishna Janmashtami

Sri Krishna Janmashtami is one of the most popular festivals in the Telugu Calendar. It celebrates the birth of Lord Krishna, who is considered one of the most important avatars of Lord Vishnu. The festival is marked by singing bhajans, performing puja, and breaking a pot filled with curd and butter, which is a reenactment of Lord Krishna’s childhood prank of stealing butter.

Ganesh Chaturthi

Ganesh Chaturthi is a 10-day festival dedicated to Lord Ganesha, who is considered the remover of obstacles and the god of wisdom. The festival begins with the installation of a clay idol of Lord Ganesha in homes and pandals. The idol is worshipped for 10 days, after which it is immersed in water, symbolizing the return of Lord Ganesha to his abode.

Question and Answer

Q: What is the significance of Avani Avittam?

A: Avani Avittam is an important ritual performed by Brahmins in the Telugu Calendar. It marks the changing of the sacred thread worn by Brahmins, and is also known as Upakarma. It is believed that by performing this ritual, one can cleanse themselves of all sins and start afresh.

Q: What is the story behind Nag Panchami?

A: Nag Panchami is a festival dedicated to worshipping snakes. According to Hindu mythology, Lord Krishna defeated the serpent Kaliya and made him leave the Yamuna river. It is believed that by worshipping snakes on Nag Panchami, one can appease them and avoid any harm caused by them.


Q: When is Telugu Calendar August 2024 Telangana?

A: Telugu Calendar August 2024 Telangana falls under the month of Shravana, and includes important festivals such as Varalakshmi Vratam, Sri Krishna Janmashtami, and Ganesh Chaturthi.

Q: What is the Telugu Calendar based on?

A: The Telugu Calendar is a lunar calendar based on the cycles of the moon. It is widely used in the Indian states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.

Q: What is the significance of performing rituals on auspicious days in the Telugu Calendar?

A: Performing rituals on auspicious days in the Telugu Calendar is believed to bring good luck, prosperity, and happiness to the family. It is also seen as a way to seek the blessings of the gods and goddesses.

In conclusion, the Telugu Calendar for August 2024 in Telangana is a month filled with many important festivals and events. Each festival has its own unique significance and rituals, and is an important part of our cultural heritage. By celebrating these festivals and performing the associated rituals, we not only keep our traditions alive, but also seek the blessings of the gods and goddesses.